User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Xperia z won't Boot but weird situation only for XPERIA GURU topic

[Q] Xperia z won't Boot but weird situation only for XPERIA GURU topic

Hi wonderful XDA forums, i'm an italian user, then sorry for my bad english.
I'm in a very strange situation, the new year starts strange for me.
Yesterday trying to short circuit the resistor to make the vibration works again( i read on internet and i see that works with other Xperia Z), the phone power down and won't boot anymore.
The strange things appears now, when i plug the usb cable for charge the phone, nothing appear, no LED, but if i disconnect the battery with the USB cable plugged-in the led blink red one time then blink a second time and become blue, and if i press volume down immediately afer the first led red blink, the led become green for 1 sec and the phone go in Download Mode.
When i use original Sony charger same situation, but when i disconnect the battery the led blink red 1 time and stays on and the phone shows SONY logo but immediately reboots go in a bootloop like this, red 1 time and stays on and the phone shows SONY logo but immediately reboots, i noticed that if i press power button several times after the SONY logo i can see the low battery icon but if stop to press the button the screen goes off and restart the bootloop describes upper.
I try several wall charger, and several cables oviusly the original SONY USB cable and wall charger, but nothing change, the battery is new and works because i test it with another phone.
Connecting to PC i can flash rom ftf with FlashTool without errors, but at the end of the process the phone won't boot, and won't charge same problems.
I noticed that the phone can't be recognise if the battery is connected, just when i disconnect the battery the phone go in fastboot mode or in download mode, for example when i flash a new ROM with flashtool when ask to connect the phone i must disconnect the battery and press volume down (in this way the PC recognise the phone, and the phone go in download mode) then i can connect or left disconnect the battery, anyway the flash operation would be OK but nothing change.
Sometimes when i connect the phone to PC the system ask me for QHSUBS_DLOAD drivers and sometimes the phone is recognised with SOMC FLASH....

I know this is a very bad situation, only Xperia Guru's can help me, but probably this phone is dead.

But I trust in XDA Community and i know that is the only place i can get serious and valid reply

Regards Samuel

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