User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] How to return Sprint SG4 config values after config to use in T-Mobile HSPA+ topic

[Q] How to return Sprint SG4 config values after config to use in T-Mobile HSPA+ topic

Hello everyone. I have the following question regarding my SG4 device. A while back I configured my sprint phone to use it on T-Mobile HSPA+ bands. I remember following a post (not sure which one it was though as it has been a while) here on XDA for the initial configuration that involved downgrading the modem and then changing some config values. I am trying to return my phone to its previous state; basically want to get return the config values and the modem version same as it was. Can I accomplish this just by installing the stock ROM? Or do I need to go in a put the previous values first? If there is a post out there for this any reference to it would be so helpful for me.

I appreciate the help in advanced! Thanks

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