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[Q] Help!!About OtterX‘s EMMC corrupion fix topic

I'm a Japanese and my English is very poor.Sorry...

Sunday my otterX's MTP drive wasn't work and I didn't delete some files.I try to boot and shutdown repeatedly , wipe Kindle but looks no effect.So I try to fixed EMMC and I fotgot backup my boot0/boot1 partitions.Then I flash recovery and install CM12, now the bluetooth address,Wi-Fi MAC address and Serial number unavailable,charger mode and serial console turn off in otterX bootmenu.

I used “fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme" command to write a fake Wi-Fi MAC address and serial number,now Wi-Fi is working but the bluetooth still not work and the address unavailable,charger mode and serial console unable to turn on. I want to used this way to fix bluetooth but adb can't work on my PC (used TWRP,and display ”error:device offline “,OS Lubuntu 14.10)

How can I fix my kindle fire? I need some help!

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