User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: Failed CM11 install; flashing buttons 15 times. Help? topic

Failed CM11 install; flashing buttons 15 times. Help? topic

So, flashed cm-11-20141112-SNAPSHOT-M12-evita onto the wifes One X via recovery, then the google apps.
At reboot the phone goes to a black screen. When pushing and holding the power button the phone will blink the soft buttons 15 times and then reboot.

I restored a nandroid in the meantime, but would anyone have any idea what could have failed?
It's a HTC One X from Rogers Wireless in Canada, rooted via HTC Dev tool, TWRP recovery.

I flashed cm-11-20141112-SNAPSHOT-M12-evita because, as far as I know, the Rogers One X is actually a One XL. Would I actually have to flash cm-11-20141112-SNAPSHOT-M12-endeavoru?

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