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Note 4 (SM-N910F) dropping calls and can't receive calls when 4G enabled topic

Hi All,

I have a Galaxy Note 4 SM-N910F with BTU firmware N910FXXU1ANK4 (UK) which I flashed from the older O2 UK firmware N910FXXU1ANJ4 when I bought it.

I am having problems receiving calls and making calls when 4G LTE is enabled on the phone (I get 4G signal bar). When someone calls me my phone rings and the signal bar is 3-5 bars usually and when I slide to answer the phone it seems to answer (timer starts clocking up) and I can't hear anything (sometimes for a split second) and the other person can't hear me, then the person is directly kicked to my voice mail!

If I try to make outgoing calls with 4G enabled it sometimes works but other times it sits there saying "dialling..." then after 10 second or so gives up and stops. If I do manage to call out I get terrible phone recetion breaking up and high pitched noises sometimes. Sometimes it is ok for a while talking but eventually the call drops at some stage.

If I force my phone into 2G only or 2G/3G only then the phone seems to work completely normally.

I have had multiple SIM swaps with no luck.
Samsung walk in repair centre was useless as the empolyees all appeared to be undertrained kids.
O2 was no use saying there is no transmitter faults reported in my area.

Before I try a hard reset and flashing back to the old O2 firmware and then possibly sending my phone away for repair, is there anything else that might be going on here? Has anyone else seen this or know if it is a known problem?


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