S Duos 3 is released . Our s duos has fair hardware but it does not have any latest Android os . It's still running on the laggy ICS which is almost outdated . We had some kk port attempts but none of it was good (buggy versions ) . I created this thread to wake up every one to make it possible. Now I am calling all developers for doing this . If we can make an open source base rom , then it's better for each developers to mod it and rebrand to their own names . But it is possible only if have a strong base . Anyway I am gonna mention some developers who did already given contributions to s duos .
+ cheatman
+ Mohitash
+ husen4u
+ SilverDragon24
+ abhi922
+ gkostas
+ v_superuser
+ charles1111
I know I missed some of them . But they're also welcomed to make a port .
+ cheatman
+ Mohitash
+ husen4u
+ SilverDragon24
+ abhi922
+ gkostas
+ v_superuser
+ charles1111
I know I missed some of them . But they're also welcomed to make a port .
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