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Xposed for Lollipop: Supporting Development topic


I'm not sure how many feel about the Xposed project, but given that at least a couple of projects that I have invested in (via "donations") depend upon the Xposed infrastructure--namely "XPrivacy"--one might say that I have a vested interest in seeing this project evolve. Perhaps others share similar feelings, especially as many of us upgrade to 5.0, compliments of DomPop and ahead of T-Mobile's official release.

In light of the creator's recent comments (found here:, I'd like to begin a conversation centered on a focused support initiative that will (hopefully) raise the spirits of the developer community to extend upon their work and bring the Xposed platform/functionality to the next generation of Android.

In brief, I'm not certain how we might organize a support base, but I'm hoping to begin a conversation that will catch the attention of folks, who, more capable than me, can reach a wider audience.

What do you think?


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