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Xperia S soft brick topic

Hi all, I hope you can help me with my problem. Today I decided to modify the toggles on my Xperia S, wich is on latest stock Jellybean with DoomKernel, with this but then, too late because I had already flashed the .zip package, I realised that it was for ICS stock. Luckily I have a twrp backup, but when I try to restore it I get stuck (also if the blue bar keeps on going) on "Formatting system using make-ext4fs" and then it turns off automatically, but nothing about a successful restore appears. I know I can flash the stock image using Emma, I did it before, but since I won't access to a strong wi-fi connection till the end of the holidays, I would prefer to avoid that and use my twrp working backup. Thanks in advance to you all.
Best regards

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