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Wanna check before rooting topic

HI there. Im new to experia device. just got some things to ask before I proceed on rooting my device.

My device info:
Device: d6503
Firmware: 4.4.4 (23.0.1.A.0.167)
Customization number: 1281-4652 (Germany)
BTW, im using the device here at Philippines, and its working fine

My questions are:
1. Im gonna downgrade to 4.4.2, which firmware should I flash? uhm the one easier to root :D
2. Is it safe to flash firmwares meant for other countries?will it still work here on our country?i:confused:
3.1 more thing, if I flash a branded firmware will I get simlock?

Thanks in advance.. :)

Sent from my D6503 using XDA Free mobile app

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