User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: unable to root my n900 under 4.4.2 !! topic

unable to root my n900 under 4.4.2 !! topic


I'm not able to root my n900 under the last firmware 4.4.2 using "CF-Auto-Root-ha3g-ha3gxx-smn900" ! Odin3 gives me a message "Failed" in red, and my n900 blocked, I was obliged to update the firmware with Odin3 to unblock it!

any idea ? is CF-Auto-Root-ha3g-ha3gxx-smn900 working with the last firmware 4.4.2 ?

thanks in advance.

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