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[Theme][cm12]More Materialicious Lollipop topic

Hello everyone,
This is the themed SystemUI .Only for CM12 by @PecanCM.
Before doing anything please do a backup.

Screen shots are in Attachments.
Currently I've themed only Quick Setting panel. But there's a lot more to come.
Enjoy :)

Installation :
1. Use any root explorer Go to System>Priv-apps>SystemUI Then Backup the SystemUI.apk
2. Rename the downloaded SystemUI apk file to SystemUI.apk, Paste the SystemUI.apk in this folder overriding the current one and set the permission 644

I've tested it on the Alpha build. I didn't test it on cm12 beta 2, So please let me now if it works on beta2.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	Screenshot_2015-01-06-19-11-32.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	76.3 KB<br/>ID:	3100643

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	Screenshot_2015-01-06-19-11-43.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	131.9 KB<br/>ID:	3100644

Attached Files

File Type: apk SystemUI(xperia).apk -
[Click for QR Code]
(4.74 MB)

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