User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: Tasker profiles for the GS5 topic

Tasker profiles for the GS5 topic

1. Nightly Reboot- Reboots your phone at 4:00am every night ONLY if plugged in to a charger.

2. Gaming- Increases min CPU freq to 2265600 and max CPU freq to 2457600 while in games. Then as an exit task, sets it back to normal.

3. Nightly Power Saving- From 2:30am till 9:00am turn auto sync off, interrupt mode set to none, notification LED off, background data disabled, background app processes at most 2, and turn on power saving mode. As an exit task, everything gets set back to normal. **REQUIRES SECURE SETTINGS PLUGIN!**

Feel free to share a Tasker task of your own :)

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