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Still waiting topic

After all the hype this past summer about Android TV powered by NVidia I spent the last half of 2014 keeping my eyes peeled for Android TV news. Then the release of the Nexus with atom/vr was a big disappointment! Now of all things Razer which I thought for sure would use NVidia goes for Qualcomm another disappointment! There is the upcoming Snail Games OBox which looks interesting but does not appear to be Android TV based? Am I the only one who would like a K1 or for that matter X1 powered box? Yes I admit I am a NVidia fan I can notice graphics that come from NVidia colors are different just personal choice.

Contrary to what most of you here enjoy(Mods, Sideloading, etc.) these things should be a choice not something that has to be done to make the system work for such things as storage for games? I currently own FireTV, Madcatz Mojo, Ouya, ADT1 and it seems to me that android still has a way to go before it truely is ready for the living room out of the box? The issue is difficult one player has HBO Go while the other can load apps and Kodi I have been searching for that box that can do all of this DAY 1 ? I am getting older and while I enjoy reading this forum and all the talent it contains I just don't have the energy to perform all these mods just to get what I consider to be that perfect box that just works when you plug it in:victory:?

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