User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [ROM][UB][5.0.2][XperiaSTE Team] CyanogenMod 12.0 [NYPON] topic

[ROM][UB][5.0.2][XperiaSTE Team] CyanogenMod 12.0 [NYPON] topic

CyanogenMod is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 5.0 (Lollipop), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.


* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.

CyanogenMod is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. You will need to provide your own Google Applications package (gapps). CyanogenMod does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.

1. Download ROM zip and GApps zip.
2. Extract boot.img from the zip and flash it via fastboot
3. Boot into recovery.
4. Wipe System, Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache.
5. Flash ROM zip.
6. Reboot to system and let it settle.
7. Reboot and flash GApps zip. You must flash gapps after every upgrade to CM12 since /system is formatted, wiping your previous add-ons.

First boot takes some minutes. Wait patiently.




CyanogenMod 12.0 Sources changelog:,n,z

About feedback:
We always welcome any kind of feedback, but if you report a bug, please, do it in a proper way, make a full detailed description about how to reproduce that bug, explain which add-ons you installed, tell us if you wiped cache and dalvik-cache or if you made a clean install, also, is very helpful to attach a logcat reproducing that bug, here you have a great guide about how to report a bug and take a logcat

XDA:DevDB Information
CyanogenMod 12.0, ROM for the Sony Xperia P

percy_g2, munjeni, 95A31, AOSX AND XperiaSTE Team
Source Code:

ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x
ROM Firmware Required: TWRP Recovery
Based On: CyanogenMod

Version Information
Status: Alpha

Created 2015-01-06
Last Updated 2015-01-06

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