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[ROM] [DEV] CyanogenMod 12 for T310 topic


Here I present to you CM12 for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8 inch T310.

Please take note that this is a very early release and there are stills many bugs. I most likely will not respond to any bug reports for now, so don't waste our time filling the thread with bugs reports. If you know how to fix a bug, then by all means, please share that info here in the thread.

I do not have time to work on this every day, so please be patient and do not ask for ETAs.

Attention T311 and T315 owners:
Currently I am only building for the T310. If I get it to a stable point, I MAY build for you guys. Please do not ask about that for now.

I do not guarantee that I can fix any of the remaining issues. I do not pretend to be an advanced developer and I do this in my spare time, so feel free to use my device tree and compile some builds on your own.

Lastly, this would not be possible without the efforts of @ketut.kumajaya. All device specific source code is forked from his github.

Please do not fill the thread asking "is blah blah is working?" Download and test for yourself.

Major Component Status:
  • WiFi - Working

  • Bluetooth - Not Working

  • Sound - Working

  • Sensors - Most Working

  • Camera - Not Working

  • Videos - Not playing

  • Ensure that have already are using the KitKat firmware. If not, download it from and flash it with Odin.

  • Ensure you have the latest version of your custom recovery.

  • Make a backup.

  • Perform a factory reset in recovery.

  • Flash the CM12 zip.

  • (Optional) Flash a Gapps (Google apps) package.

  • Reboot and Enjoy.

  • Be patient, the first boot takes about 3 minutes. Much longer if you flash a Gapps package (~10 min).




XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM] [DEV] CyanogenMod 12 for T310, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0

ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
Based On: CyanogenMod

Version Information
Status: Alpha

Created 2015-01-15
Last Updated 2015-01-15

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