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[Recovery] Walton Primo G5 CTR topic

Guyz The wait is Over It's time to Flash CTR in Our beloved Primo G5.

*Really i'm Too Sorry for my delay cz i'm very busy for my work. Okey let's go to the work for flash CTR

***At first root your Phone by using Kingroot.apk searching on the google

***After rooting process Download the latest Mobileuncle tool v.2.9.9.apk

Attachment see pls

***Now Download the

Attachment see pls


After downloading Then Extract the recovery.img in sdcard root. not any kind of folder.

Now Open Mobileuncle tool v.2.9.9.apk
and go to recovery update tap yes button. Few second later it will ask u to go to recovery mod tap yes. Then backup your stock room!!!

*Happy Moment*

Attached Files

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