User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: Ragingmolasses 1.0 Governor for M8 topic

Ragingmolasses 1.0 Governor for M8 topic

This is the version of my ragingmolasses governor made specifically for the m8/from m8 sources

Any further versions will be found on my github or through contacting me as there will be no further posting from me on XDA


If you want to use it just give credit and if you are using it on a different device and having trouble you may contact me through github/my email

future versions will be working towards being less device specific

What is Ragingmolasses?
Besides a gov with an awesome name its a mash up of conservative and ondemand and scales based on load with few tunables. Its meant to be simple, fast, and efficient at keeping the frequency away from the max clock unless it is absolutely needed. it includes gboost for better gaming.

Ragingmolasses tunables
Sampling Rate - how often it checks CPU load, i keep this low around 10000-15000

up_threshold - above this it becomes ondemand governor based 100% on CPU load, below it acts like conservative and tries to keep the frequency down.

sampling_rate_min - dont worry about this

ignore_nice_load - the system will ignore "Nice" processes when deciding to scale up or down. I leave it at 0

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