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[Q] Windows 8, OblyTile, and Popcorn Time topic

I have seen this topic discussed before HERE on post #726. However, the described method has not worked for me. I am trying to create a Windows 8.1 Tile for Popcorn Time using OblyTile. Whenever I try to enter Popcorn Time's "Program Path" into OblyTile and run it, it opens up the "Node Webkit" program in what looks to be a browser page. I've tried to create a .bat file and run that through OblyTile in order to open Popcorn time but that does not work either.

The .bat file is as follows:


@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
cd /d ..
Start "" "node-webkit\popcorn time.exe" App

The Popcorn Time .exe file is located at this target


"C:\Users\Brandon\AppData\Local\Popcorn Time\node-webkit\Popcorn Time.exe"

Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I could create a Popcorn Time Tile with OblyTile and get it to work on the Windows 8.1 Start Screen?

Here's a screenshot showing what I have:

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