User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] stoc browser - flash stopped working? topic

[Q] stoc browser - flash stopped working? topic


Can any s5 owners confirm for me that flash has stopped working on the stock browser in the past week??

I've definitely used flash in the stock browser and remember there being options in the settings menu pertaining to plugins and the ability to load them on demand etc

As of yesterday I have noticed that flash sites which used to work show a wee blue box with a question mark in (ie can't load plugin) and no options to enable flash in the settings.

Was there a sneak update that crippled the browser?

I did recently change some of the flash settings to preserve mobile data bit I should be able to switch them back on right?

Anyway it seems weird to me that it suddenly stopped working because I'm sure the browser hasn't updated.

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