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[Q] Phone Freezing and Rebooting topic


I am having an issue where my phone freezes and reboots. It does not seem to have any rhyme or reason why it is doing. Sometimes it will do it while it is just sitting on my desk doing nothing. When it crashes and reboots it will go into a boot loop showing the LG logo, then black, then showing the LG again. It will cycle through this loop a few times and will boot into the ROM eventually.

I have looked through the whole Q&A thread searching for freezing, auto restart, crashing, etc but have not found a fix for this. I have flashed back to stock with the LG flash tool using the tot and dll files. It started happening right after I got into the stock rom. I have clean flashed various different ROMs as well. It started happening when I was on Cloudy G3 2.1. I then went to the Resurrection Remix Lollipop rom and it happened there as well. I pulled the battery as well following a guide from youtube. Nothing has seemed to fix the issue. I saw a thread about using Ubuntu to push some img files and openrecovery to the phone but I am not sure if that will fix it either since I flashed back to stock.

Does anyone have any ideas or can point me to a thread I might have missed? I have the D800 AT&T model running the Resurrection Remix 1.7 ROM right now.

Thank you in advance for any help.

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