User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Omnia 2 Windows Média Player - use wide theme topic

[Q] Omnia 2 Windows Média Player - use wide theme topic

Hello, everyone ;)

I Recognized, that there are 2 Pre-Installed Themes for the Media Player - but you can't use the Wide Theme.

If i interchange the Filenames, something funny happens:laugh::
In the Menu, you can only choose „Wide-Theme“ but because the filenames are changed, it's the Normal, Vertical Theme.

The wide theme actually works in Full-Screen but not in normal use.

Did you know?: The Omnia 2 can play 1080 and even 1440p Video!

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