User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Note 2 GT-N7105 random restarts on original ROM topic

[Q] Note 2 GT-N7105 random restarts on original ROM topic

Hello! I have several issues with my Note 2 N7105 version:

- on original ROM the camera, dialer, speaker, microphone, network not working, also the device is random restarting. Also the touchscreen have huge delays in operating.

- on CM11 ROM the camera, dialer and network is working, but the speaker and microphone doesn't, and the restarts come only when the phone is entering in standby/sleep mode. Never restarts when is conected to PC or charger.

I tried serveral original ROM's installed with Odin, but it seems that only CM11 it's bring my phone to life even that the speaker or microphone doesn't work. Also the network works on CM11, I can send and receive messages.

Can be these issues related to a hardware problem or I didn't find yet the correct version of ROM for this device? Many thanks in advance!

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