User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] New lockscreen unlock method? topic

[Q] New lockscreen unlock method? topic

Hi, this is my first post so be forgiving :D
Just few weeks ago I've received new phone - Lumia 620 (I had 610 earlier). I had "some" experience with flashing my nokias and now I'm pretty intrested in modifying WP 8.1. I know this OS is closed and can be unlocked only partly for sideloading apps but I'm wondering if there's any way to change unlocking method or turn it off. What I mean? I mean unlocking phone by swiping just like in android not from down to up but from left to right or even by maze lock. I saw few apps in windows store, but they work only when screen is unlcoked whitch means i have to "lock" the screen by clicking notification which just makes screen black and "unlocks" phone after double tap. And there is my question: Can I turn off lockscreen? Btw. I saw this thread and I'm wondering if this app is just making interactive background or modifies system fiels so I can for example change unlock method?

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