User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Moto Display on Nexus 6? topic

[Q] Moto Display on Nexus 6? topic

Hey guys, I had a thought today of possibly getting Moto Display on the Nexus 6 because while I do like the Nexus 6 better than the Moto X, I prefer Moto's take on lockscreen notification over Google's ambient display. So is there any way to get Moto Display on the Nexus 6? I downloaded AcDisplay but I didn't really understand how to use it. Anyways, thanks all!

EDIT: Oh one last question, if it is possible to get Moto Display on Nexus 6, will it drain my battery? Again, thanks.

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