User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Is there anything i should/shouldn't do with newly rooted sm-t530nu? topic

[Q] Is there anything i should/shouldn't do with newly rooted sm-t530nu? topic

I got a Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 sm-t530nu for Christmas and I quickly rooted it using the Chainfire method with Odin. I only made backup images after I rooted the Tablet. is there anything I should be aware of that can break my tablet and or screw it up? I am an amateur when it comes to android and I will admit I don't fully understand it. I grew up on Windows and this is quite a large change. I have not been able to find information about any ROMs for kernels that work with the tablet. I have downloaded some apps that have to do with setting the CPU speed and I downloaded greenify and some other things but I have not been able to overclock the CPU at all because I don't have a ROM or kernel that will allow me to. Are there any tweaks that I can do to make this faster? I have changed to read ahead Buffer size and I've got some increase In speedbut that is all I have been able to achieve.

Can anyone recommend some essential apps and maybe some ROMs and kernels that will work for this tablet? Are there any good theme apps to personalize my tablet. As i said before I'm basically lost and feel like I'm out of my element and would love any info anyone can share with me. I have been reading a lot on the forums her but a lot of the content is above my head and i don't have a good understanding of it.

Hopefully you can help point me on the direction to making this tablet more modifiable and I can get a new ROM that allows me more control over my device.

SalvelinuxFontinalis ☆

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