User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] I can't install the new Asus original FW topic

[Q] I can't install the new Asus original FW topic

Hello all.

I'm on this ROM:

Asus Stock Modded Odex/Deodexed ROM - KK 4.4.2

I have installed the new Factory Recovery and try'd to install the new Asus ROM that I downloaded From Asus Site directly.
But when the tablem starts to install the ROM, it stops past 1 minute with one error message and then whem I force reboot the tablet,
It boots normaly but when it finishes booting a get a message saying error 12 and the update was not installed.
I try's more then 5 times install the firmware this way.
How can I get back to factory FW?

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