User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] How network unlock the Moto E without buying the code from Tesco topic

[Q] How network unlock the Moto E without buying the code from Tesco topic

So my uncle got a moto e from his company which was tesco sim locked.
Now to make it work in India , i need to network unlock it. Before giving the £20 pounds to tesco, i tried alternate ways to network unlock the phone.
I unlocked the bootloader officially as per the motorola website, changed the recovery to clockworkmod, and flashed cyanogenmod, still it asks me for the sim unlock pin to use my local sim card.
i tried varioius codes on Ebay, with no success from them.
So now the only way is to pay tesco those £20....unless ofcourse you guys can help me out here...
I guess if I can flash an unofficial bootloader for this device, maybe it would be possible, but i was unsuccessful in finding one...
Thanks in advanced if you can help me sort this up:)

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