User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Headphone-jack somehow broken topic

[Q] Headphone-jack somehow broken topic

Yesterday, my LG F320s suddenly managed to break itself. I listened to music, but paused it before walking into the bus. When I than sat down and pressed play, the phone produced a weird sound. The sound sounds phase cancelled and super wide. It sounds like a bad connection issue, so I opened up the phone and tried to both clean an place the jack-part into a "better" position, but with no luck. Since it is a F320, it looks a little bit different on the inside, so using guides on the internet for the D802 haven't helped me. I also tried to disconnect what I believe is the ribbon cable for the headphone output, and then connected it again, but without any change. Have someone ever encountered exactly this (or something similar) issue and found a way to fix it?

As I live in Norway and have a rooted phone, there's no reason sending it to LG for a fix. I'm a heavy music user, and therefore, my headphone jack is VERY important, so don't hesitate answering :D

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