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[Q] Galaxy s5 {sm-g900h} exyons custom recovery not working topic

Hi everyone,
i have a galaxy s5 the international version (sm-g900h) and i wanted to flash a custom recovery but when i flash cwm recovery and run it the recovery can't mount the partitions so i keep rebooting into recovery untill it mount the partitions properly but this is annoying i want to work with my recovery from the first run

if i flash twrp or philaz recovery and run it the phone get stuck at the samsung logo, so is there any solution for this ??

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	10872334_624840750994320_1124125149_n.jpg<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	182.2 KB<br/>ID:	3093674

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