User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Fire HDX 7 - Is it safer to flash Roms and Root now? topic

[Q] Fire HDX 7 - Is it safer to flash Roms and Root now? topic

First, I apologize if this ins't the right area but it seems like a General question.

I recently bought a Kindle Fire HDX 7" and have had it about a week now. With all the Amazon Bloat and lack of Google apps I need more out of it. I am not a beginner with flashing roms and such, my HTC One is Rooted, CyanogenModed, and has a boot loader, anyways...

I have spent the last couple days reading up on the ways to do it on the HDX 7 and heard many warnings and bricks of this device, but some of the posts are a little bit older. I can't really tell which method of Rooting/Flashing is the safest out of all the different ones. My current OS version is Using the Safestrap looks pretty easy and from what I understand is that even if you do brick it you can recover the original?

My question is... Is it any safer to flash a Rom lately (due to the updating problems?), and how safe is just rooting it for the time being? Also, what method/tools would you suggest to use? I don't like the FireOS and would like to get it close the a standard Android and/or CyanogenMod.

Thanks for your time.

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