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[Q] bootloader unlock password- Huawei G630-U00 topic


I couldn't find any other forum to discuss about this version of Huawei mobile phone. I really need help since the last legitimate EMU update ruined the whole system and now my new mobile phone that I have never had a chance to use it is like a trash device... I hope someone here can help me to recover it since i tried all ways I found on internet.

I bought this mobile from China and bring it to Europe. Since I wanted to remove some chinese default software (that wasn't basic software but really annoying), I used an app and rooted the mobile phone. so I removed some of chinese stuff and installed some of good software. Everything worked fine and I tested skype and I had high resolution picture with 8 Mega pixel camera. I tested all its functionality and it was really good...
I noticed that there is a new legitimate update for this OS, since I still didn't have any sd memory, I couldn't have a backup of this old system and this was a big mistake...
anyway... I let it do the legitimate update for EMU... but immediately after reboot, I noticed that Camera and bluetooth are out of functions... so I first thought the problem is with bluetooth configuration but I was wrong since the internal memory was read only and no longer available.
I formatted the internal memory via computer (the part which was available) but no luck... I bought a sd card and changed the storage from internal to external but this didn't help to function bluetooth and camera...

I had a back up from /system/apps and then removed manually the bluetooth.apk and also its odex file. then restarted the system, clear dev cache and tried to install bluetooth.apk again. but I received error message and couldnt' do that. so again I copied those file back to its location.
So bluetooth turns on now, can send signal but for receiving or sending file, it fails, It can also pairs with other device.. So I thought it should be something related to permissions. I again checked the bluetooth permissioin on /etc/permissions/platform.xml and notice they are ok.
I changed the permission of storage and added the external storage to the list and added group storage_rw.
but this also didn't solve the problem with camera and bluetooth.

several times reset to factory mode didn't solve the problem...
I tried to hack the bootloader but I could not unlock it... I sent all information to and asked them to send me bootloader password and provide them with all detail information about the device and accepted that the device is out of warrant but I received no response...

I installed "safe system remover apps" and after having backup of Gallery2.apk, I uninstalled it (it is related to camera and all gallery information)... but with no luck I could install it again... :(

So, I am really hopeless now since I don't know whatelse I can to do... the system doesn't functioning and I need to load on it the custom ROM but the device only can go to fastboot and cannot load the recovery mode anymore and factory reset from the UI is only reset the mobile to fastboot without doing anything else.

I tried to run the from the device but I receive error messages to access some files such as bluetooth parameters/power
I couldn't myself find this file on the directory that it looks for.

I would really appreciate it if you can tell me any way that I can unlock the bootloader from the device (because outside of the device I tried different applications but with no luck...)
I have a cutom ROM for G630-U20 (not exact version for this device but almost similar) and if I can have a bootloader password I can try this one or any other customized ROM.

I would appreciate any way that you can show me to solve the problem.... either by changing permissions to solve this problem.

Thank you.:(

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