User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: Please help me. Bootloop, No Recovery. Urgent! topic

Please help me. Bootloop, No Recovery. Urgent! topic

Hey guys my cousin tried to upload a custom rom on his Galaxy S3 Mini, and something went wrong.

When i checked the base model before it went into bootloop it said it was the 8190N, but when i take the battery off, it says I8190 (Not N).
i can't go into recovery mode. i can only get to download mode. i am trying to find a solution, i am trying to find an official rom, that might help me, but it seems i can't get it to work.
My cousin has to leave tomorrow for a travel, and it is important to have his phone back...

Can you please help me with some advice?
Last custom rom that tried to get installed was virginity, it got root and super user, but after the installation of the rom, it got into bootloop.
Please share some ideas - links.


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