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Nexus 7 Not charging properly since CM11 topic

I've had an original Nexus 7 since it was release and had kept it stock. However it was running really slowly, after suffering that for months I finally got time to look at sorting it.

I decided to root it and put on a new ROM. I choose CM11. I downloaded and installed CM11 M5 along with GAPPS. After installing it the updated to CM11 M12.

I set the nexus up yesterday with all the different apps I needed etc. I also installed the apex launcher and altered the DPI to 160 using the rom toolbox.

I noticed however that the battery was decreasing whilst I was using it even though I had it plugged into my laptop. I don't normally charge it this way so ignored it. When I had finished the battery was down to 16% so I put it on the dock and left it overnight. When I looked at it this morning it had powered off, it switched back on but only showed 2% and quickly turned back off again. I took the lead out of the dock and plugged it into the nexus and left it. When I came back later it was up to 16%. During the day it has been used some of the time (whilst plugged in) and left on charge the rest of the time. My daughter was just using it and it powered off so flat again.

With the stock ROM it charged quite quickly and would have to be doing some intensive gaming etc to use more battery than it was charging but since the ROM update just general use flattens it quicker than it can charge and charging is taking much longer.

I was using an ipad plug with the dock and the original ASUS lead, but I have tried the original ASUS plug and the original lead but it has made no difference.

Please don't tell me I'll have to go back to stock as it is so much faster now - it doesn't lag any more and I've spent ages setting it all back up as I wanted it with separate user profiles etc!

Is there an easy fix? I've done a bit of reading about fastcharge kernels but have no idea if CM11 has one but then I read that the fastcharge only affects charging from a PC USB port?

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