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[Mod/Theme] Lollipop Galaxy S5 FullScreen Call topic

FullScreen Call Themed for Lollipop

This is for DeOdexed builds ONLY!
This mod is based on the NKD DeOdexed Lollipop Rom.

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Always a work in progress. Ported this over from the international S5.
Full credits given at the bottom.

Included the stock flashable files at the bottom of the post should you need to go back. Also included a few extra backgrounds. You can use those as a template to add your own.

Additional flashable mods are available at the bottom of this post!

Download Link -->

Download Link -->

Backup your rom if possible.
Flash in custom recovery.



Version - 1.0
- Initial Release

Adding your own custom backgrounds:
Take your downloaded image, rename it to picture_unknown.png
You may use a .jpg image. However, the image has to RENAMED to a .png first.
Make a copy of one of the files, open it with a zip file manager and insert your file into the folder vrtheme/system/app/LegacyInCallUI/LegacyInCallUI.apk/res/drawable-sw360dp-xxhdpi-v13, replacing the existing one.

Additional Note:
I can't say exactly the dimensions required for the background, experiment and report back what seems to be the ideal size otherwise the phone will do its best to resize the image to fit the screen properly.

@thanhfhuongf - For the original mod
@BoBCatRoM - Huge thanks for the use of his InCallUI theme. You can thank him properly HERE.

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