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[KERNEL][POLL] TGM Toolchain Testing. Help find the best! topic


#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void. WE'RE BACON, **** WARRANTY
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this KERNEL
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.

Please, don't be intimidated by any techy lingo, the second paragraph will have a quick rundown for non devs!

Hey all! @YoshiShaPow and I need a little help selecting the toolchain to use for official releases! Currently, we are using a GNUEABI Linaro toolchain optimized for Cortex A15 processors. But, as shown in a recent test (similar to this one) conducted by Chet Kener (@Cl3Kener), GNUEABI toolchains have worse performance and battery life in comparison to their ARM-EABI counterparts. The tree toolchains that I have compiled are Linaro, and (what I refer to as LinaroMod and SaberNaro) 2 hybrid SM and Linaro toolchains.

What does this mean for you?
I have compiled three toolchains to use for the kernel. We need you to help test the kernels to find what is best for the official releases of the kernel. Below are the requirements for the test (Copied from Chet's toolchain war)

1. You must flash both kernels on the SAME ROM and should spend at least a day on each
(but 2 or 3 days would be best if you can, this is not a quick fight this is all out toolchain war!)

2. You must keep track of battery life as best as possible.
Take screenshots of you SOT, Stand by, voice calls, other apps you think are significant. I will be posting a short questionnaire/survey where I expect you to have some details on battery life. I don't need to see all of your screenshots but you are welcome to post them all here in this community for us to all see.

3. Try and to keep track of performance the best you can
Obviously I don't want you to shy away from benchmarks. By all means run as many of them as you like. I also understand that benchmarks don't always give the whole picture on performance so I'm also looking for you to describe any differences you see between these three kernels. Comparison and contrast are the preferred method. (ie. This one opens camera app faster than that one. This one has smoother scrolling than that one. This one has a more fluid UI than that one. etc.)

4. Look for anything else that is measurable that you can test
Test boot times, test app opening times on large apps like Facebook. Look for operations that cause lag on the kernel and try to reproduce the lag doing the same thing on the other etc.

5 Most importantly have fun and keep track of your observations!
If this isn't going to help make your week more enjoyable don't participate. I'm not trying to ruin your week.

Download the kernels here: BasketBuild

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