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[Kernel] Starship Kernels 01/08/2014 (AOSP|CM-12|CM-11) topic

I am working on two versions of my Starship Rom some of you may be familiar with from either other devices or the Starship Nexus 4.4.4 Roms for the Nexus 5 & 7. I am currently in the process of updating Starship for Lollipop. This time around Nexus users will have the choice of an AOSP or CM based Rom. I was debating with Lollipop if I wanted to use CM or AOSP code to use as a base. going Following the CM path could easily release a version for any device that has an official or unofficial build which would bring the Rom to more devices. I also wanted to take advantage of Nexus ownership for the first time and learn more about building AOSP based Roms so just decided on doing both as most of my changes and theme can be applied to both. The Kernels not so much but have been tryng to stay away from things that can only be applied to one Kernel like CM that would brake Stock or visa versa.

I am following the same work-flow/path as the Kit-Kat Incarnation of Starship and working on the theme at home and Kernels and other optimizations remotely why either Babysitting Nieces/Nephews or lunch breaks at work so for the most part nothing close to the size and resolution I would working from home. Still have more work ahead before comfortable enough on the theme for releasing the full Roms as I would like them to flow with Material Design the best I can. but the Kernels are coming along nicely so as I did with the CM-11.0 based Starship am posting the Kernels separately so if you are not a fan of the Rom can still use the Kernel. Difference being just just posting a Kernel. Have in the past first posted Rom and Kernel and would then probably update the Kernel after every few added version increment .

With the Kernels I follow the same philosophy as the Rom in being light and efficient. You will not find any new features like overclocking or voltage control just the most efficient non intrusive optimizations with the fewest trade-offs possible. Much credit goes out to many other developers and would like to especially give thanks to Mrg666 as a decent amount of his work has been included directly or adapted. Definitely one of the most helpful devs who has never minded sharing anything and has helped since owning an Evo 3d for VM and does much of his own development constantly thinking of creative ways to improve anything. This is Rare as there is only a number of ways of doing something with anything you can think of that has not been done already been done but dude just keeps coming up with original ideas.

The AOSP/Sock & CM 12 Kernels are currently on version 3.4.25. I have been adapting the Linux version patches I put together for the CM-11 3.4 Starship Kernel and although continues to keep the Kernel version at 3.4.0 the CM Team will still use selective parts from versions above 3.4.0 so I am in the process of revisiting each patch for both the CM-12 and AOSP Kernels making adjustments ware needed. Is still much easier than redoing every patch. With each patch I first looked up each individual commit. If for some reason a commit would not merge because a line was slightly different because of either another commit added by the CM Team, some lines in original document had another stupid difference like not identically indented or the most common that the commit had either been made already or changed by Google or CM to use more efficient code from a higher version. Version Increments should update quickly until reaching Versions 3.4.43. This is the point I will need to start first committing every individual change again.


AOSP/Stock - 7.64 MB


CM-12 - 7.48 MB



I am not responsible for any effect using the downloads from this forum my have on any device and you download and use at your own risk.

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