User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: How to force phone to start-up vs charge. topic

How to force phone to start-up vs charge. topic

Can anyone point me to the flag Android or perhaps Motorola startup code uses to start or charge their phones?

ie: Droid1 a855 when power is cut and resupplied, it boots up completely.
With a955-a957(D2) it boots motorola logo, then loads the charging screen.
The time it takes to get to the charging screen suggests to me it's booting to a point to 'see what to do'. Similar to what is set if you tell the phone to reboot or shutdown or recovery etc...

I have a supply of old droid2 phones and am looking to re-purpose. They would be far more useful if it is possible to set them to startup after power is resupplied from a flat battery state.


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