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Help choosing device topic

Hello all. I am unsure if this question belongs in this sub-forum. I have been through the QUESTIONS DO NOT BELONG IN GENERAL post, but i think this is not a Q&A.

So the reason i have this question is that im at a standstill. I was set to buy the Nexus 6, but the size and price made me change my decision.

Anyway, now i have rethink and im undecided between the Nexus 5 and the Oneplus one. The main reason im undecided is related to roms and software.
By looking at the N5 sub-forum here in XDA i see thousands of posts when compared to the OPO. I am worried that even though being a bit less heavy spec-wise the N5 might keep more developers working on it then on the OPO. Therefore more roms and software for the future.

Related to hardware i know the opo has better specs. Rounding up the HW differences what makes me undecided between the two is the RAM and the better battery life.

So iam currently stuck between these two phones and ill have to make a decision soon, i will be buying one of these in about two weeks.

Thank you for everyones help.
Best regards

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