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Galaxy Alpha vs. A5 longtime support from dev´s topic

Hi there,

i am about to buy a new phone sooner or later.
My old SGS III (I9300) is still running quite fine (thx to the dev´s in here), but after 2,5 years i looks kinda awfull by now because of the bad build quality (cheap plastic crap) of the body.
So the next should have better build quality = metal frame if pos.

So i figured out 2-3 possible phones:
Samsung Galaxy Alpha or Samsung Galaxy A5 (wont be released in the US/Canada as far as i know)

As an alternative:
Phicomm Passion

The most important point for me is the longtime community support from CM,Omni, etc. This tbh is the only reason i still use and can use my quite old S3. And i can´t even tell you how much i hate Touchwiz and crap UI´s like this.
Might it be easier to get a good working CM for the A5 because it will have a Snapdragon 400 or 410. I often read about Samsungs Exynos making it hard to develop for.

So do you got any thoughts what device will have the better community support? Yeah crappy question i know, just wanna hear your thoughts ;)

greetings from germany

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