Hi all, I present to you a Dark Material theme for official BlissPop ROM for Nexus 6 This is NOT a port, but a full integration into the workings of Deliberate's BlissPop ROMs. Meaning this is ALSO theoretically flashable on all other devices running BlissPop.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a very time consuming project so I won't be able to release every single daily/nightly Vortex uploads, but I'll do it weekly, on a fixed schedule on this date: Fridays
WARNING: No support will be given if you flash a 1.6 (090115) theme on a 1.6 (120115) ROM, it is a given that these files gets updated and will cause a brick/boot loop/FC loop, hence, wait for the next release of the theme. I'm working on making it more widely available by getting more contributors to help, but for now, I'm a lone wolf :)
Dialer.apk - 100%
DocumentsUI.apk (Downloads included) - 100%
Contacts.apk - 100%
Framework-res.apk - 98% (Notification Gmail Title left)
SystemUI.apk - 100%
Settings.apk - 100%
TeleService.apk - 100%
Advanced list for themers:
Q: Superuser in Settings is in full black, meaning you may not be able to see the titles
A: Flash SuperSU, it's better anyways :good:
Q: Gmail Notification Subject title doesn't appear, it's invisible.
A: I'm working on that, don't worry! Body of mail shows though.
- Uses stock framework-res.apk as it gives the best view. Hence fixing overall UI, aka. action bars and weird text.
- Stock AOSP Messages now viewable.
- Reverted my DocumentsUI.apk back to stock for now. Will theme this slowly, but on the next beta builds.
- Official release
Theme Downloads...
Fix Gmail's Statusbar Notification Subject title ...
Fix Nova Launcher widget create popup ...
On a new update of BlissPop (Dirty Update):
1. Flash new updated ROM zip
2. Reboot and let apps recompile.
3. Go back into TWRP and flash the zip.
4. Reboot and enjoy!
First time flashing (Clean Update):
1. In a fully set up ROM (logged into Google account), reboot into recovery.
2. Flash the zip in TWRP
3. Reboot and enjoy!
A: Alpha (50%), means the zip is taking files from other devices and is being ported over.
B: Beta (85%), means the design needs touching up with improvements over time. The zip will flash perfectly
RLS: Release (95%), means little to no bugs are left, improvement to design are minor updates.
1.7-110115-B1: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=95897840722641698
TBO Black Gapps: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2283828
Thanks a lot @shiverz07, these banners were made by him!
Many of the design credits go to @Chaos ^_^, huge shout out to him and thank you! A good pal and makes awesome themes!
Thank you to my official testers @fahadali2315 and @Khizar for wiping his phone a few times and handling my delay BS, haha!
Thank you also to my alpha testers @nofx161 and @willbarger for testing my broken builds to isolate my issues.
PNG designs by @BellaxMiu, thanks babe
Thanks for the banner, @shiverz07! :)
Chaos ^_^
Version Information
Status: Beta
Latest Version: 1.6-090115-B1
Created 2015-01-12
Last Updated 2015-01-12
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