User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [DEV] Meteor Defence (Story in desc.) topic

[DEV] Meteor Defence (Story in desc.) topic

Hi guys,
so heres the deal: Google suspended my account which had an app with about 100K total downloads. (The reason was that one of my apps was breaking a policy BUT I could NOT remove it from the Play store)
Anyway, if you all could help me, please download my apps, rate it and report back any bugs that you find. (The game was redesigned and I have not found any bugs, but I only have one device to try it on)

( )

Attached Files

File Type: apk MeteorDefence.apk -
[Click for QR Code]
(10.27 MB)

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