User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: Changed permissions to entire lib file on accident topic

Changed permissions to entire lib file on accident topic

Good morning fellow XDA'ers

I recently rooted my s4 to remove all the bloatware, along with samsung hub which i needed to resume screen rotation. I found a solution to fix that which is to paste in the lib file, which i did, then changed the permission to that (rw--r--r). After getting out of that folder I changed the permission of the entire lib file to (rw--r--r) (original was rwe--re--re). I was wondering if there is a recovery that allowed me to change the permission, or even format only the system files. I just prefer not to reset it. Any ideas will help

I am currently on stock 4.4.4 rooted, no knox (removed that).

PM me anytime

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