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backup of rfid Disney infinity figurine tags topic

hello everyone, im a bit new to this. i recently saw a video on youtube of someone's proof of concept that it would be possible to emulate disney infinity rfid tags by using some special hardware and listening in on the traffic between the disney figurine base and the xbox 360 by routing it through a laptop. my question was of a similar nature. i have a bunch of these disney infinity figurines, and it gets annoying trying to keep track of them. especially since my little brother is the one that uses them and they wind up in miscellaneous places in the house, occasionally broken. i understand that they are some kind of 13.56 mhz rfid tag with a toy on top of them. my question is, how would i use an android phone, (samsung galaxy s5 rooted) or some kind of rfid reader to determine the hex key that is locking the information that is contained inside the rfid tag, so that i can make a copy of the figurine in case my brother steps on one of them again. so that way i can just have him use a clone of the tag. as far as i understand, since i PAID for these figurines, they are mine, so if i copy them for backup purposes thats completely fine. i have tried a few things, i tried "nfc - war" which was not too usefull, and a couple of other apps to no avail. is there an app, or a windows program (and compatible hardware) that i can use to either brute force the keys out or use some sort of exploit to get the keys? as far as i understand it is a mifare classic ndef formatable tag. help would be greatly appreciated. also im not on here to do anything illegal, or wrong in any way. so anyone whom would like to simply complain to me about how backing up my own property is wrong, please direct your comments elsewhere because i really don't care.

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