User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: App updates fail to install - "connection with device is lost" [SOLVED] topic

App updates fail to install - "connection with device is lost" [SOLVED] topic

I was having issues updating some apps within the Gear Apps Store, the error message "Gear app not installed connection to device is lost" even though there was a working Bluetooth connection and everything was functioning normally.

I tried:

Rebooting both the watch and the phone
Checking and trying various comms settings
Deleting cache and data for the Gear App Store
Re-installing the Gear App Store itself

After a lot of head scratching I was resigning myself to perform a factory reset of the Gear S.
I got it to work by simply uninstalling the app that needed the update, (in my case it was one of the clocks) and then re-installing it. All now working as it should!

The error message is completely misleading and it will get you believing it's a connection issue which it clearly isn't.

I thought I would share this with you in case you came across this problem.


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