User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: 5.0.2 LG G2 VanirAOSP L5 Branch & EXODUS Branch - Lollipop Based ROM Builds topic

5.0.2 LG G2 VanirAOSP L5 Branch & EXODUS Branch - Lollipop Based ROM Builds topic


DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for any issues, problems, or broken phones, which may have come from using any data or information you receive from this thread. Using anything here, will most likely violate your cell phone's warranty or contract. That is also your 100% responsibility, to know, and your responsibilty if you do. If you don't know what you are doing, or you think you do, and you brick your phone, or something POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE changes with your phone, it is all 100% your responsibility. Use the following data, information, and links at YOUR OWN RISK!

I, sudosurootdev, personally make all of these ROMs.
I am a VanirAOSP developer, and the VanirAOSP LG G2 device & kernel maintainer.
I also build each of these ROM builds with my server, which costs me money... (hint, hint)...
So, if you like these builds and you want them to continue please feel free to make a donation to help me with my costs & time.
You will find the info at the bottom of this post, or using the info on My Profile, to make a donation!

Since I am very busy with developing for VanirAOSP, maintaining the LG G2 device & kernel source, building these builds (hopefully posting a new build for each variant, ever day), plus other things I have to do, XDA USER: fritzcola is helping me out a lot (this was first his idea) by helping to maintain this thread, relaying questions to me which he can't answer, and answering ones that he can. I'm in the USA & he in Germany so we should be able to check in on the thread pretty often... and hopefully some of the Senior & experienced XDA Members can help other, also.

What can I expect here?
  • Lollipop 5.0.2 VanirAOSP's L5 branch and Exodus branch builds for all LG G2 Variants.

  • Builds are always up to date with VanirAOSP's current open sources.

  • High optimization and customization.

  • Support.

  • Great Work!

  • And a lot more!!!

  • I hope you enjoy them!!!

Download VanirAOSP L5 branch builds:
Download VanirAOSP Exodus branch builds:
  1. D800 ROM Builds:

  2. D801 ROM Builds:

  3. D802 ROM Builds:

  4. D803 ROM Builds:

  5. VS980 ROM Builds:

  6. LS980 ROM Builds:

Recommended GAPPs:
Use one of the 50Current packages. Full and Minimalist versions available.
Thanks to Vanir's developer: DHO!

  1. You MUST have ROOT access & a custom recovery installed. (TWRP, CWM, PhilZ CWM, CM Recovery, or AOSP bootable/recovery... NO STOCK RECOVERY!!!)

  2. Download the correct Rom build, from either VanirAOSP L5 branch or VanirAOSP EXODUS branch, for your Phone's Model. (D800, D801, D802, D803, VS980, LS980).

  3. Download Gapps. (Full or Minimalist version)

  4. (Optional): Flashable SuperSU. (Or just download from Play Store after booting ROM build)(EXODUS branch can launch SuperSU from Settings)

  5. Transfer the files to your phone (or if you plan to sideload skip to next step)

  6. Reboot into recovery.

  7. Wipe Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache and System (VERY IMPORTANT!!! With PhilZ Touch CWM Recovery, and maybe others, there is an option which says "Clean to install a new ROM")

  8. (You can dirty flash, once you are already running VanirAOSP ROM. If you dirty flash make sure that you flash GAPPs FIRST, then ROM, in order to keep your currently installed apps... so the following 2 setps will be reversed. REMINDER: THIS IS ONLY DONE IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND ARE ALREADY RUNNING VanirAOSP ROM... NEVER ON FIRST FLASH!!!

  9. Install Rom.

  10. Install Gapps.

  11. (Optional): Flash SuperSu... if using flashable version.

  12. Reboot and enjoy!!!

NOTE: LS980 requires ZV8 Modem & VS980 requires 12B Modem
All Modems for the LG G2 can be downloaded from this XDA thread:
Thanks to: autoprime

What do I do if I have any problems?
Pull a logcat and post it here!
How can i pull a logcat?

Now, everything should be clear. If not, feel free to post questions, or post issues with a link to your logcat posted online. fritzcola will get with me, and I will do what I can to fix any problems, as soon as possible!
Thank You Very Much & Enjoy!!!

VanirAOSP Developer Credits:
Dave Kessler
Prime Directive

Please, donate a bit to me, sudosurootdev, AKA Chris, if you want these builds to continue, because my server is a few hundred dollars per month and I do not have enough donations to continue that service next month, yet!!! I also plan to start adding other devices, to my list of VanirAOSP devices which I build daily, on their own threads.


Preferred Method:
...and send to

or, if you are not in the USA, you cannot use Google Wallet yet, so you can send through: PayPal by sending to:

...or any method on my Profile Page:

Thank you! Your donations and feedback are appreciated!

XDA:DevDB Information
5.0.2 LG G2 VanirAOSP L5 Branch & EXODUS Branch builds, ROM for the LG G2

sudosurootdev, fritzcola
Source Code:

ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On:

Version Information
Status: Nightly

Created 2015-01-09
Last Updated 2015-01-08

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