User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nano Mobile: [Q] Samsung won't turn on with battery topic

[Q] Samsung won't turn on with battery topic

I'm not sure what caused this, but I am confident it's because I dropped my Samsung Galaxy S3 a lot. So here's what happens, whenever I drop my phone it seems to not work for a while. Then after a long wait (maybe 30-1 hour) it turns on again. I am pretty young so I don't know how to work with these kind of things. But continuing on... I know that my phone isn't done for because, whenever I take out my battery and plug in my charger, the little red light appears at the top left, but whenever I try to put in my battery and hold down the power button for a long time, it never works. Please, someone help me with this. Thank you.

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