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[Q] Bluetooth Tethering topic

Now before everyone flames, YES i prefer bluetooth tethering. due to where i work having 9 access points for our mobile scanners ( corporate ) and too many companies with WiFi in the area thats locked, ive used bluetooth tethering. It worked for one day solid, then after it drops connectivity once the phones screen goes black ( off ). thought it was power saver but nope. Can not figure it out. Tried a few things such as full reboot, uninstall any apps that use BT, and checked updates ( xD NOPE Root too valuable ).

Can anyone help me?

Ls990 G3 BT tether to Asus ME572C ( newer asus nexus 7 like device )

I CAN NOT use wifi tethering due to issues in the area, which is why the store nolonger offers WiFi

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