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[Q] are sims interchangeable topic

aright so, let say i went to Disneyland with the kids and Stupid me decided to right this water log thing and it ended up doing damage to my samsung s3. It charges, but when i sync to my laptop it says usb damage. Im guessing water damage . My contract has not ended yet, but my wife's has. She really like her note 2, and will not want to upgrade. Is going to cost more to fix then to replace it.
So here is my question??
is it possible if my wife upgrades her note 2 to a s5, but keeps her sim in the note 2, while I take my sim out of my s3 and use it for the s5. sorry, if it sounds weird. we are the same carrier(Verizon). Or is this not going to work because we will have to deactivate the phone. The s3 is killing me is to the point is dying in my pocket, I never use it and by the time of break is at 30%. I tried to restore it and everything and the water damage just made it worse.

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