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Note 4 Flicker topic

Hi guys,

I just wanted to revive the Note 4 flicker discussions that have been going on.

Basically, I wanted to know if there's any news on if PWM can be disabled yet at maximum brightness? I'm going to have a poke around with the system and see if I can do anything. But I doubt it.

I've noticed a lot of people have been stating in thread replies that it's pointless, and can't be seen by humans, I just got my Note 4, after having an iPhone 6 for two weeks. (That thing drove me up the wall). Prior to that I had a Nexus 5 and an S4. I absolutely love the Note 4 in every way, including the display, it's incredible. But the flicker is horrid, especially in my peripheral vision. A lot of people can't see it, I wish I couldn't. You guys are lucky.

A lot of people have also stated that they have 20/20 vision and can't see a thing, and pass it off as rubbish. But having 20/20 vision has nothing to do with your ability to distinguish pulses of light. I honestly think it's something to do with the brain, rather than the eyes.

And a few people just say if you don't like it, go get another phone. But yeah, as stated the Note 4 is fantastic. Love the thing. Just don't like the flicker and I'd rather solve the issue.

So yeah, that is all! :)

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