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[Library] Dynamic Calendar Icon Generator topic

Hi everyone,

I'm very happy to publish my first library project, Dynamic Calendar Icon Generator. This library generates dynamic calendar icons based on the date selected.

This library is fully customizable and the developer can specify the original calendar icon, change font's typeface, size, position, color.

  • Specify the background empty calendar icon

  • Change the typeface of both date and month

  • Change the size of the date and month fonts independently

  • Provision for saving the generated image to external storage

  • Supports from API level 9

Change Log
  • 12 Jan 2015: First release

  • 13 Jan 2015: Added support from API 9

Source Code and more details
The source code is available at Github

Basic Icon GeneratedTypeface and color of font changed

Sample App
Sample app demonstrating this library is also available in Android play store

Android App on Google Play

To Include in your Android Project
Add the following to your build.gradle file


dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.sillebille:dynamic-calendar:1.0.1'

If you like to contribute, you are always welcome. Please send feedback in case if you find any errors or issues.

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